As the flu season intensifies, many people with flu-like illness are visiting doctors' offices and emergency rooms. Some of these visits are essential for people to receive care that prevents complications and saves lives. Many other visits, however, aren't necessary because most people can safely recover from flu at home without the need for outside medical care.
"We want people to get medical care when they need it," said Dr. Gary Oxman, Multnomah County Health Officer. "We're also concerned that when people unnecessarily visit doctors' offices and hospitals, they can decrease the ability of healthcare providers to get care to people with severe flu or other conditions."
Health officials in Oregon and Southwest Washington have developed a decision chart to help people decide when to seek medical attention for flu-like illness (see attached). The chart includes the following guidelines:
Adults and children with flu symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough, headache, muscle aches) who also exhibit any of the following warning signs should receive emergency care as soon as possible and call 9-1-1 if necessary:
Confusion or can't be woken up
Difficulty breathing
Pain or pressure in chest or abdomen
Blue lips or skin rash
Unable to drink or keep liquids down
Additionally, children with these symptoms need immediate emergency care:
Fever in an infant under 3 months old
Excessive irritability
The following people should contact their healthcare provider today if they have flu symptoms:
Pregnant women
Anyone age 65 or older
Anyone with one or more of the following conditions:
Blood disorders
Chronic lung disease like asthma or emphysema
Heart, kidney or liver disease
Nervous system or muscle diseases
Weakened immune system
Obese (over 250 pounds for women, 300 pounds for men)
Flu-like symptoms clearly improve, then worsen
People with flu-like illness who don't have warning signs or any of the medical conditions listed above can stay home and rest, drink plenty of fluids, and treat fever with acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin®, Advil®). Do not use aspirin for fever control in children under age 18). If symptoms improve and then worsen, seek medical attention.
The following prevention measures can help prevent the spread of flu, colds, and other diseases and should be observed by everyone at all times of the year:
Wash your hands frequently
Cough or sneeze into your arm or elbow rather than into your hands
Stay home if you are sick.
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